~ Design for a better world ~

Once upon a time, we did a lot of website design. Front and back end. (Guess who did this site!) We enjoyed it, but when you’re a storyteller at heart, you’ve got to follow those heart strings. In the past few years they’ve been tugging pretty hard, so we packed up the client-side web design part of our business.

These are a few highlights from clients we’ve especially loved working with (in alphabetical order):

  • Project 1: The BLIHR website
    Client: Business Leaders Initiative in Human Rights (BLIHR), UK

  • Project 2: Business in Society Gateway
    Clients: European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) and European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD)

  • Project 3: California Sustainability Alliance
    Client: Navigant Consulting

  • Project 4: ICLEI websites (Global, US, Canada, Mexico, LatAm/Caribbean, Asia, Africa, Japan, Indonesia)
    Client: International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)

  • Project 5: The NYCELLI website
    Client: The New York City Environmental Law Leadership Institute (NYCELLI)

  • Project 6: Sustainable Benicia
    Client: The City of Benicia, California

We no longer offer web design services, but we still serve companies and organizations working toward sustainability and responsible technologies—through the power of storytelling and communications.

Website design
Web design