Whenever you spend 4 years with a client, you get to know them a little. And then a little more. You understand their inner dynamics, their strengths, their quirks, the things that make them tick.
During our time with Clover, we did a few things.
Thought leadership strategies and content plans. Story pitches. Merchant newsletters. eBooks. Holiday guides. Product guides. Case studies. Sales sheets. Presentations. Blog posts. Web pages. UX/UI copy. Ad copy. Crisis email communications. We created one of their most impactful marketing programs, which tells the stories of their merchants (it’s still running 3 years later). We even came up with the name that was chosen for the Clover blog: “The Green.”
We worked with just about every team at Clover: product, engineering, design, marketing, communications, sales, user research, QA, legal, compliance, and yes the founder & CEO as well.
Above are the covers of 3 of the holiday guides we produced. There’s so much more, but these are some of our personal faves.