To hear some people tell it, generative AI is the greatest thing since… the invention of the paintbrush?
or perhaps not. Plenty of ink and ire have been spilled over the
dubious practices of Big AI—the tech firms that have vacuumed up images,
text, music, and video from all over the Internet to feed and train
their generative AI applications. This has resulted in a massive heated
debate, worker strikes, and more than a few lawsuits. That’s what has
captured headlines for the past two years.
have lots of stats on the number of IP & copyright lawsuits, the
sizes of the training data sets, and the numbers of creatives who’ve
jumped ship to Cara and similar platforms.
a little harder to gauge is the personal, individual impacts of
generative AI on creatives—especially our ability to practice our craft
and earn a living from it. Is it a revolutionary tool for creatives, or
is it a massively overhyped technology that’s best deployed in other
ways? To help us answer this question, we developed a questionnaire to
assess these “tangible intangibles.”
How it’s set up:
Part I — Basic information about you and the kind of creative work you do.
Part II — Your experience with generative AI, whether or not you’ve used it in your work.
Part III – Your take on generative AI’s impact on your industry.
Part IV — Assessing the time you’ve spent addressing gen AI-related issues in your life and work.
Part V — Assessing the impact of gen AI on the value of your talent and work.
How long will this take me?
looks long and daunting, but each part is fairly short and will take
you less time than feeding your pet dragon. In more specific terms,
about 10 minutes. We’ve also tried to make it non boring.
Ok, fine, I’ll do it. What’s the deadline?
While we have a robust number of respondents, we’re going to keep the survey open while we conduct follow-on interviews.
We would also love it if you could share the survey with your
artist/creative friends. Because in this party, the more the much, much
merrier—meaning, the more meaningful the results.
For more information about this study, please see the full announcement. See this link for our privacy policy.
you’d like to edit your response, please resubmit the form with the
same email address and we will discard your earlier answers. To retract
your response, please contact
note! This survey is designed for creative professionals only. It is
not intended for executives, marketing & PR people, agents, or
others who interact with creatives as part of their jobs. We reserve the
right to exclude the responses of individuals who do not work in the
creative industries or who cannot be confirmed as creative
professionals. Any PII you submit, such as your name and contact
information, will be kept strictly confidential. (We have an army of
rabid chihuahuas guarding our hard drives. We’d show you pictures of the damage they can cause to a hacker’s body but it’s simply too gruesome.)
you’d like to be considered for an individual interview to be included
as part of the final report, please be sure to include your name and
email address at the end of the questionnaire (and mention “interview”).
Our warmest appreciation,
Birgitte and team